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2.5 Identifying different functions of language in business situations. CB

Functions of Language

We are going to look at common functions of language in business situations. You’ll be able to do an exercise on the functions. Thereafter, practise identifying functions first in written then spoken texts. After that, exercises focusing on different aspects of a topic are available.

Exercise 1.

Do exercise 1 as per “Listening A1 – Functions of Language”. Write your answers in your exercise book and compare them afterwards with the answers on “Listening A1 – Answers” (Click on the relevant links below)

Exercise 2.


Listen to audio “Exercise 2 Number 1”. What is the speaker doing? Decide if the speaker is making a complaint or responding to a complaint. Write down any words or phrases that help you decide.

Exercise 2 Number 1


Listen to “Exercise 2 Number 2” and decide if the speaker is making an arrangement or changing an arrangement. Write down any words or phrases that help you decide.

Exercise 2 Number 2


Listen to “Exercise 2 Number 3”. Decide if the speaker is making a complaint, making a recommendation or asking about a problem. Write down any words or phrases that help you decide.

Exercise 2 Number 3


Listen to “Exercise 2 Number 4” and decide if the speaker is giving instructions, giving an invitation, or requesting information. Write down any words or phrases that help you decide. For items 1 to 4 check the answers 1-4 in the Business English Space.

Exercise 2 Number 4


Listen to “Exercise 2 Number 5” and decide what the speaker is doing, from A-E. Do not use any letter more than once. You will hear me twice. Write down your choice and check it in the Business English Space. Scroll down to Exercise 2.

Exercise 2 Number 5


Repeat the previous exercise but listen to “Exercise 2 Number 6”

Exercise 2 Number 6


Repeat question 5 again, but listening to “Exercise 2 Number 7”

Exercise 2 Number 7


As per the previous question but listening to “Exercise 2 Number 8”

Exercise 2 Number 8

Exercise 3.

Read this extract:

MKL Foods has signed a new six-month sponsorship deal with the satellite TV channel ‘Kidzone’ to give its ‘Juiceshot’ drinks label greater exposure to its target market. Starting in November, the deal will involve various television name checks and competition activities, as well as short adverts at the beginning and end of commercial breaks.

Decide which method of promoting products (A-H) the company is currently using. Complete sentences 1 to 5 (Click on the image – left) below. Underline any words or phrases that help you decide.

Check your answers by clicking on the image (Right) above.

Exercise 4.

Read the notes below carefully. Download “Functions of Language – Exercise 4”.

Read the questions in “Functions of Language – Exercise 4” and afterwards listen to the five short recordings below. They are about problems that occurred.

5 short recordings

• For each recording, decide what each speaker is talking about.

• Write one letter (A-H) next to the number.

• Do not use any letter more than once.

• You will hear the recordings twice.

Check your answers in “Functions of Language – Exercise 4 Answers” by clicking on the tent in the image on the right

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