email writing Quick Answers

Effective Emails

Lesson 4. Making Enquiries.

Exercise 5

Model answer by Oxford University Press:

To: James Baker

From: (Your name)

Subject: After-sales service brochures / English

Dear James,

I am the sales manager for Bigtop electric drills and saws. Jane Miller gave me your name.

I am going to the trade fair next week in the Czech Republic and would like to order the English version of the after-sales service brochure. Could you please send me 1000 copies by Monday?

I would appreciate a reply asap.

Thank you for your help.


(your name)

Lesson 5. Requesting action

Exercise 1

Click on the abbreviation / acronym below for the full phrase / word.


Thanks in advance


frequently asked questions

see you!

for your information


by the way



in my opinion

all the best

Exercise 4 - Email

Hello Jane,

First of all, there will be a meeting next Thursday from 2 to 5 pm to discuss trade fair planning. Please let me know whether you can attend.

Have you ordered the brochures for model 564Z and 566T yet? Remember, we need 5000 copies each for the trade fair.

Have you contacted Margot about the schedule yet? I need the finalized version for the meeting on Thursday.

Finally, have you sent the presentation material yet? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.


- Reply

Hi Ramon,

Yes, I can attend the meeting next Thursday.

I’ve just ordered the brochures for both models. They’ll be delivered on 7 September. BTW, I’ve just had a look at a pdf of the new brochure. It looks good. Have you seen it? If not, I’ll forward it to you.

Re the schedule: I’ve left a message on Margot’s voicemail but she hasn’t called back yet. I’ll try again later and (will) ask her to contact you directly.

I’ll email the presentation material straight away. Sorry for the delay.



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